SafeDiffuser: Safe Planning with Diffusion Probabilistic Models

SafeDiffuser: Safe Planning with Diffusion Probabilistic Models


Diffusion model-based approaches have shown promise in data-driven planning, but there are no safety guarantees, thus making it hard to be applied for many safety-critical applications. To address these challenges, we propose a new method, called SafeDiffuser, to ensure diffusion probabilistic models satisfy specifications by using a class of control barrier functions.

Safe Planning for Maze2D

In this experiment, we aim to impose trajectory constraints (red ellipses and super-ellipses below) on the planning path of a maze. The diffusion model is conditioned on the initial positions and destinations.


------------Diffuser------------------Classifier Guidance (Potential-based)-------------------------SafeDiffuser--------------

Narrow Passange Case (6 constraints)


Safe Planning for Robot Locomotion

For robot locomotion (in MuJoCo), we wish the robot to avoid collisions with obstacles, such as the roof (shown by the red lines below). The SafeDiffuser predicts 6 controls and 17 states for Walker2D, and predicts 3 controls and 11 states for the Hopper.


Diffuser for Walker2D


SafeDiffuser for Walker2D


Diffuser for Hopper.


SafeDiffuser for Hopper.

Safe Planning for Manipulation

For manipulation (in Pybullet), the diffusion models generate joint trajectories (as controls) for the robot, which are conditioned on the locations of the objects to grasp and place. Specifications are joint limitations to avoid collision in joint space.


The SafeDiffuser can achieve better reward when joint limitations are satisfied since no collision happens in joint space. Belows are three planning cases using SafeDiffuser.
